Rear View Sunset [Photo]

Capturing a breathtaking sunset display in the rear view mirror while stopped at a light.

Photo Story

I haven’t shared much about my work with Instagram here yet, but after capturing and creating this image on Sunday, I thought it was a good time to start sharing here.

This image was one of those you’ve probably seen before during the summer, right before or after sunset. You’re driving relatively East and you check your mirror and see a display like the one above. That’s pretty much what happened here.

As I drove, I begged for a red light, and at the first safe moment, I grabbed my iPhone and snapped the original version. From there, later in the evening, I followed what has become my standard Instagram workflow and shared it online.

My Instagram Workflow

You may have read me talking about the Snapseed App here on the blog before, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that it’s a key part of my Instagram workflow. Let’s use this image and walkthrough that workflow, shall we?

The Original

As with anything photography related, it always helps to have a good starting image to work with. At this point, I tend to stick with the original Apple Camera app instead of working with a few others I’ve downloaded. You might have great things to say about those others, but I just haven’t played with them long enough to convince me to switch.

From the original, I typically jump right into Snapseed before for some basic Tune Image changes. From there, I try out the Drama settings, and if that doesn’t work, I just go into Details and wrap-up.

Snapseed Version

Above is the Snapseed Version prior to going into Instagram. Once I select and crop the image square, I try out the Lux feature (the name for that lower left icon). Even if I’m already happy with the image out of Snapseed, I check anyway – as you can be surprised from time-to-time.

As everyone else, I flip through the filters – especially if it’s a portrait. For most of my crafted images, however, I go filter-less, as in this case.

Instagram Version

And that’s pretty much it. For most images, I can snap, edit, and post in less than a minute – which is really sweet. For images like the one above, I obviously had to wait until I was out of the car before the edit and post steps.

But even then, I was able to edit in Snapseed and post to Instagram while waiting for the barista at Starbucks to make my drinks.

At home, I threw this comparison images to better illustrate the steps along the way for this image.

More Instagrams

I plan on sharing more about my Instagram work on the website here, but until then, the best way to follow along my images is by following me as “KrisNelsonPhoto” on Instagram.

If you’re not on Instagram yet, stay tuned to the site for more updates on how to browse my photos without the App.

Have Questions or Tips?

Do you have any tips or Apps that you use in your mobile workflow – Instagram or otherwise – that you’d like to share? I’m always interested in trying out new apps, so do share if you have something you use regular that you would work without.

And if you had questions, please do post them here or on Facebook and I’d be glad to dive into anything deeper.

Thanks for reading,
– Kris

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